PostMessage, 0x112, 0xF060,, , Activate your WinReducer Edition ? ahk_exe WinReducerEX100_圆4.exe, 0x112 = WM_SYSCOMMAND, 0xF060 = SC_CLOSEĬontrolClick, %sControl%, %sWinName%,, LEFT, 1, NA, WinWait, Activate your WinReducer Edition ? ahk_exe WinReducerEX100_圆4.exe,ĬontrolClick, .0.141b42a_r36_ad11, Activate your WinReducer Edition ? ahk_exe WinReducerEX100_圆4.exe,, LEFT, 1, NA, WaitThenClick("Start WinReducer Process ahk_class #32770 ahk_exe WinReducerEX100_圆4.exe", "Button1") WinActivate, WinReducer EX-100 - v ahk_exe WinReducerEX100_圆4.exe, RunWait, %A_WinDir%\System32\Dism.exe /Image:%A_ScriptDir%\WinReducerEX100_圆4\WORK\MOUNT\TEMP_Windows /Import-DefaultAppAssociations:%A_ScriptDir%\WinReducerEX100_圆4\WORK\MOUNT\FileAssociations.xml, "\WinReducerEX100_圆4\WORK\MOUNT\TEMP_Windows") "\WinReducerEX100_圆4\WORK\MOUNT\Copy-Paste to mount directory\*", A_ScriptDir. WaitThenClick("Activate Unattended Options ahk_class #32770 ahk_exe WinReducerEX100_圆4.exe", "Button1") Okay to delete previous Autounattended.xmlĬopyFilesAndFolders(A_ScriptDir. WaitThenClick("WinReducer Custom Configuration File Restore ahk_class #32770 ahk_exe WinReducerEX100_圆4.exe", "Edit2")ĬontrolSend, Edit2, ^AD:\Windows_NT_development\WinReducerEX100_圆4, WinReducer Custom Configuration File Restore ahk_class #32770 ahk_exe WinReducerEX100_圆4.exe,ĬontrolClick, DirectUIHWND2, WinReducer Custom Configuration File Restore ahk_class #32770 ahk_exe WinReducerEX100_圆4.exe,, LEFT, 1, NA,ĬontrolSend, DirectUIHWND2, ^A%sConfigFile%, WinReducer Custom Configuration File Restore ahk_class #32770 ahk_exe WinReducerEX100_圆4.exe,ĬontrolClick, Button1, WinReducer Custom Configuration File Restore ahk_class #32770 ahk_exe WinReducerEX100_圆4.exe,, LEFT, 1, NA, WaitThenClick("ahk_class #32770 ahk_exe WinReducerEX100_圆4.exe", "Button1")

ahk_exe WinReducerEX100_圆4.exe,, LEFT, 1, NA,ĬontrolClick, MOUNT, Open a Folder. ahk_exe WinReducerEX100_圆4.exe,, LEFT, 1, NA, WinReducerImageProcess(sConfigFile, iSecondPass:=0)

WaitThenClick("Browse For Folder ahk_exe WinReducerEX100_圆4.exe", "Button2") "\WinReducerEX100_圆4\WORK\EXTRACT\ExtractedByWinReducer\*", A_ScriptDir. WinReducerImageProcess("WinReducerEX100.wccf", 0)įileDelete, %A_ScriptDir%\WORK\EXTRACT\ExtractedByWinReducer\WinReducerEX100.wccf ahk_exe WinReducerEX100_圆4.exe,, LEFT, 1, NA,Ĭontrol, Choose, %iControlSelector%, .0.141b42a_r36_ad11, Open a Folder. WinGet, iWinReducerPID, PID, WinReducer EX-100 - v ahk_exe WinReducerEX100_圆4.exe,ĬontrolClick, .0.141b42a_r36_ad11, Open a Folder. While iControlSelector < 4 Set to the total number of images + 1 IControlSelector := 1 Need to change this to find number of images present in Wim

#NoEnv Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
Ntlite vs. winreducer code#
Here is the code I currently have: = Environment setup = The problem I'm having is that once WinReducer reaches this window where you select an edition in the WIM file, I can't seem to interact with either the Combobox or the Mount button.
Ntlite vs. winreducer windows 10#
I am trying to use AutoHotkey to automatically apply some customizations to all the editions in a Windows 10 Install.wim using WinReducer.